Monday, 30 December 2013

Quick New Years Stir Sticks and Cups.

Both my littles celebrate their birthdays in the first week of December. Followed by family visiting Christmas parties,then a week long trip to my home town to plan a 50th anniversary surprise party, and then rushing home to prepare for Christmas the day before company arrives. 

December was a busy busy month for our family, so it's no surprise I'm not feeling the New years eve buzz of excitement that everyone else has. Our big plans are to probably watch Dr.Who, or Power Rangers, and maybe have some cider.
It's okay to not go 'all out' every holiday season. You just end up over working yourself, stressing out, and not enjoying the time you have with the people you love.

I did however feel like there should be a little bit of sparkle to our evening, so I whipped up a quick project to share.

Quick  Sparkle Stir Sticks

All you need is some wooden sticks, gold washi tape, and scissors.
Wrap the strip of tape around the top of the stick, cut out a triangle, and you're done. Super simple!

I wrapped the same washi tape around a few plastic cups to add some flare to those too. (they were actually left overs from the surprise anniversary party a few weeks ago. and the gold platter, was a dollar at the thrift store and we spray painted it gold for the party as well!)

Happy New Year!

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Clothes Pin Magnet Tutorial

 Clothes Pin Magnets

My camera is seven years old. It was the only electronic that I ever managed not to break.Until now.
The buttons decided they wanted to stop working, and then start again on Christmas Eve of all times!
So until I get a new camera, I will just have to post tutorials with what I have.

On THAT note,  Are you excited? because I am nervous as all heck!
You have probably seen a tutorial for these before, but clothes pin magnets are one of my favorite things to make. I add them to gifts as a little extra surprise.

Ready? Let's go!

You will need:
A paint brush
Modpodge Dimensional Magic
Clothes Pins
Scrapbook Paper or Washi Tape
Small Magnets (not pictured because I forgot to add them and the glue, silly me)
Glue (hot glue, or E6000)

 First you're going to paint one side of the clothes pin with modpodge.
 Then stick it down onto your craft paper, or washi tape. My paper had a design on each side, so I chose the pretty flower side.

Let the modpodge dry for a few minutes, then trim off the excess paper on your clothes pin. It can be a bit tricky around the metal parts of the clothes pin,but you can always file it down with a nail file if you have to.

After the paper is trimmed, I like to add another coat of modpodge, and rub it along the sides and top, to make sure it won't come off. Let it dry for another few minutes.

Heres the part I always make a mess on. You will want to find a surface that is flat, and that you won't mind getting sticky.I use a recycled deli tray we ordered a while ago.

Lay your clothes pins down flat, and gently dab the modpodge dimensional magic around the outer edge of the clothes pin, and work your way to the middle. Just let the drops come out of the bottle. DON"T SQUEEZE! if you use too much, it runs down the side of the clothes pin, and it will stick to the tray when it dries!

If you get any air bubbles, you can pop them with a toothpick, and then let the clothes pins dry over night.
When they dry, they will have a pretty plastic look to them. I love dimensional magic!

After they are dry, you can add a small dab of E6000, or hot glue to a magnet, and add it to the back of your pretty clothes pin! let it dry, and you're done!

Happy crafting!

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Taking a Leap.

All Right! Hey there.

My name is Alicia and I honestly have no idea what I am doing. BUT I know what I hope to do.

So here's my story;

I'm a stay at home momma of two littles. (Ages 1 year and 3 years.). In my crazy journey as a mom these last few years, I have become a craftaholic. There is literally glitter,popcicle sticks, washi tape, and yarn scattered through out the house. I even find glitter up my daughters nose sometimes.

For the last year, I have started following some amazing craft bloggers (who I will start linking once I fugure out how to!), and I think to myself every night "I want to do that."

I want to post tutorials, pretty pictures, craft room makeovers. and heck, I want to get so good, that Martha Stewart becomes my best friend!
Okay so maybe I will never have tea and decoupage with Martha, but you get the point.
I want to share my stories as a mom. All my lessons,love, my fears, my joys!
And most of all, I want to have fun.

I don't have a fancy fact, my camera just broke. I have no writing skills, and my computer skills are that of a caveman....but, this is a dream of mine, And I think I can make it work.

So here I am, less than a week until the new year, and I am throwing myself out there. My new years resolution to share my life.

I hope you check back in and we can make stuff together!